
open heart, strong spine

Let’s discuss core strength and when life gets chaotic.

Today has been a huge exercise in surrendering to what is, for me. The word “surrender” can be super-scary for some people because there can be connotations of weakness and loss of control — but contrary to those stigmas, I’m here to tell you today that surrender is a sign of enormous strength.

In order to be able to relax into whatever is (whether that’s being in the hospital or losing track of your phone), you must be rooted in something much stronger than any physical problem. This is called faith — not always of the religious/spiritual variety, but it’s a deep inner knowing that no matter what happens, you’ve got this.

Today, before I could write you, my computer had a little graphic freakout, and I had to check it in overnight at the Apple store.

Soooo much of my life and my work lives on that computer! Not to mention it’s primarily where I write. Knowing in my core that I’ve got this, I chose to instead write you this from my phone. (Thank goodness for all the technology that supports me!!)

It’s not how I preferred to post today, but at the end of the day, I’d rather deliver you a message rather than just give up hope. I know where my heart is and why I created this blog, so I release any guilt or any frustration I had over the mishap. I release my attachment to how I wanted writing today’s post to look and I’m doing what I can that’s aligned with my heart’s desire.

Your resourcefulness will win any war you have with your circumstances. Know that any problem you’ve got, it’s only the fight against what is that creates stress and fear in your experience.

Instead, try dropping the fight. Believe me, as a recovering rebel-without-a-cause, it can feel counterproductive, but you are so much greater than any of your problems. I believe in you.

Remember, you’ve been through a stroke and SURVIVED. Everyday issues ain’t got nothing on you. Now, I really have to go and eat!

Have a wonderful weekend.

All love,Pamela

PS. Two requests — if this speaks to you, please share it with someone you love who could use it/let me know in the comments. And lastly, please send some supporting healing vibes and prayers to our family. It may be a little spotty for a while given the fact that someone in my family is having some serious medical issues right now and I’m going to be exercising active surrender while that’s going on. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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