I used to hate my last name because almost no one could read it properly, and the various misspellings were creative at best and horrendous at worst.
(For the record, it’s more or less pronounced “shay” — like shea butter.)
But in recent years I’ve really come to love it, because what is it they say? That it’s impossible to be angry and grateful at the same time? Turns out, it’s the perfect gift to have such a constant reminder.
We live in a scarcity culture, where nothing is ever enough.
I literally practice reminding myself, via writing, every single night of everything I’ve gotten to do that day (whether it’s getting dressed, having taken a walk around the neighborhood, or created something kickass) and what that achieved so that I don’t fall into a rabbit hole of scarcity. I also list out random things I appreciate about myself and as a practice, share appreciations with Anthony verbally before bed. Some days it feels like swimming upstream and most other days I feel freeeeeee.
The other day, someone close to me was feeling down on himself, like “the day was a wash.”
Though I totally understood where they were coming from (I’ve been there many times), that’s an insidious habit that’ll send you plummeting into the world of never enough. Something I ended up saying in response to them moved me to tears as I spoke.
I told them that every single day they got to open their eyes, take a breath, and start the day was a gift. That there were countless other people who tomorrow couldn’t do the same. And then I pointed out that every single day they get to move their body all day long in ways I still dream of, in ways I haven’t moved mine in 15 years. That that was a miracle, and that I wished they could see it.
I didn’t share this at all to disparage them, but to gently point out that this is something we all do sometimes. Being a human is hard.
Carrying on after a stroke is hard. Damn hard. And there’s no manual.
But if you are well enough to be reading these words right now, then you are blessed with so much more than you are seeing when you’re having one of those moments. Swap scaricity out for gratitude, and really let it into your heart.
Watch your life transform.
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